Professional Nail Care Services

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Professional Nail Care Services


There is no substitute for expert care. Podiatrists are nail care experts. Their education and training make them your best option for diagnosing and treating all nail conditions. Some podiatrists make regular visits to senior centers, community centres and homes in addition to keeping their regular office hours.


But there are other nail care professionals who can assist with nail care as well.There is no substitute for expert care. Podiatrists are nail care experts.


Their education and training make them your best option for diagnosing and treating all nail conditions. Some podiatrists make regular visits to senior centers, community centres and homes in addition to keeping their regular office hours. But there are other nail care professionals who can assist with nail care as well.


Foot care nurses specialize in nail and skin care . many local senior centers offer access to footcare nurses. Footcare nurses tyupically do not accept health insurance, but their rates for trimming calluses and toenails tend to be very reasonable.



Footcare nurses can also assess foot and nail conditions and make referrals to a podiatrist as necessary.For most people, a reputable nail salon is a viable option for basic foot and nail care.


However, if you have a circulation disorder, diabetes, or numbness in your feet, you should avoid nail salons and see a doctor or other health care provider instead.If you decide to visit a nail salon , check it out carefully first.


Ask the nail technician if he or she uses sterile instruments and cleanse the foot basin  (not just changes the water) between customers. If not, find another salon.Even when you find a good nail technician, consider bringing your own nail instruments to the salon to minimize the risk of infection.



Make sure the technician trims nails properly and does not remove the cuticles.


Paying For Professional nail Care Services


Paying For Professional nail Care ServicesIf you have diabetes, a circulation disorder, a nerve disorder, or a history of limb ulcers and amputation, you may qualify for medical nail ad callus care under Medicare Guidelines. Ask your insurance provider, primary care doctor, or p[odiatrist whether you qualify for coverage.


Even if you have to pay fees foe services yourself, it is often much safer and, in the long run, more cost-effective to have a podiatrist treat your feet. You could benefit from just one or two care visits a year.


Reference: Great Feet For Life: Paul Langer, DPM


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