Foot Width

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 Foot Width

One final aspect of the physiology of feet is worth mentioning here: foot width. Foot width is sometimes more of a concern for women then men for two reasons:


  • 1) Our culture expects women to have petite feet
  • 2)Manufacturers do not offer many shoes for women in wide sizes (though even men may have limited choices if they have especially wide feet).


There are many different types of wide feet. Some feet are wide from heel to toe; some are narrow in the heel and wide in the forefoot. Bunions or arthritis can cause our feet to widen.


While there is no specific clinical definition for wide feet, we know that wider feet are more vulnerable to certain types of injuries, including neuromas, corns, and toe-calluses.



Appreciating the anatomy and physiology of our feet is the first step toward understanding how to care for and treat our feet.



Reference: Great Feet For Life: Paul Langer DPM


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