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Four moves and six minutes is all you need to develop strength with this no-equipment routine

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Four moves and six minutes is all you need to develop strength with this no-equipment routine




Fitting regular exercise into your routine can be difficult. Alongside work and a social life, putting aside an hour to workout multiple times a week can feel impossible.

  • But a little bit of movement is better than none and incorporating exercise into your routine, no matter how long you spend doing it, is one of the best ways to start creating healthier habits. You don't need to buy a lot of equipment either. 
  • This routine only uses a yoga mat, but you can substitute in a towel or do it on a soft carpeted surface. 

  • The six-minute Pilates session, created by instructor Georgia Weibel, features just four bodyweight movements and activates a wide range of muscles throughout the body. Try doing it first thing in the morning or during your lunch break, to help you move your body mindfully and relax. 

"When executing these moves, I really want you to slow things down," Weibel says. "It will give you more clarity and understanding on which muscles are working the most during these moves."

We'd also recommend watching the video in full before you attempt the moves, to make sure you have nailed the technique. 


Watch Georgia Webel's six-minute Pilates routine

  • To make sure you're maintaining the correct position during this workout, Weibel advises that you draw your belly button towards your spine. "This will help with core engagement and improved form," she says. "Also, focus on keeping a straight spine in these positions, which may involve tucking your tailbone under slightly."
  • Pilates workouts like the one above are great for developing core muscles. These are a group of muscles, found around your mid-section, which connect your upper and lower body. They help support your pelvis, spine, buttocks, back, hips, and stomach, and they allow you to do things like twist, bend and jump.  

  • Doing some core strengthening exercises could help make these movements feel easier and could also improve your sporting performance. If you want to focus on this area, we'd recommend that you learn how to do a plank, which is a great exercises for your mid-section muscles. Or try doing the above Pilates routine regularly to build up strength in this region.  

  • Story by Alice Porter: Fit & Well

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